Narrative: The Taniwha

This is my Tanwha story and we discribe thing like we were in the story. It was a lot of fun . I really hope you like it.

he holiday I went on a family and friend   trip to a deserted island  and there was a darker blue clear  river. There was also a huge shark. I did not really see it. It was like a big black shadow in the river. One of my dad’s best friends was looking in the river then all of a sudden we all heard a loud scream help me!The scream said. We were all scared for our life. We were too scared that we all dashed out of there. We aw was shocking,we saw a taniwha . It had a long tail,sharp teeth with long pointy horns, it looked like a lizard but a huge one. With bat -like winning and  the next sce. We saw another taniwha but it was even   bigger all  looked behind us. The thing we sawthan the other  we were all
Scared, sad, tired , angry , worried, terrified,and also we were all crying in the helicopter we all went back home and held a funeral for my dad friend we all could not stop crying then we all went home and went to bed the end .

Māui at Mahitahi

Hi this is my Taniwha and these are some facts about the taniwha there are two named tutaeporoporo and moremre.One of them are a girl and the other one is a boy. The boy is tutaeporoporo and the girl is moremre. Thank you so much for looking at my blog.

The thing I love to do is to create little people because they are so cute here a picture of them.

The second thing love to do is reading because it is so much fun to read. I love read that I have 20 books here is a pictures of it.

The third thing is bloging because it is fun also you get to learn new word. Thank you so much for looking at my blog.

All about my books

My book was so much fun to read and the name of the book is dragon masters the book and the pictures were so cool to see. ALSO the details were amazing . Now I will show the book. Also the front civer is beautiful too. Now I am on my second book and it is call bad guy episode 17 I will show you this book too ok. Thank you for looking at my blog. 

3 things I like about school.

  1. What I like about school is my teacher is kind.the 2st thing about school is I have a lot of friends to play with. The 3ds thing I like about school is I get to learn a lot of maths and reading also I get to learn how to do blgo. So that 3 things I like about school. Thank you so much for looking around my blgo.